Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Prop 8

Ok, so I have a bit of a sticky situation with one of my good friends from BYU-Idaho named Nathan (he graduated the same time I did and then moved to NYC to work for a PR firm). Well, Nathan has SSA (same-sex attraction) and he has fought it his whole life. He told me about it while we were at school and I didn't really care as long as he didn't act on it, and he knew that's how I felt. Well, since he has moved to NYC, there aren't many people there to help him stay strong and fight his urges. (Now, I don't know what he's been doing and if he is still trying to fight it or not.) But he is from California so the Prop 8 stuff has been pretty huge and he has been an ACTIVE part of publicizing it; however, he is trying to persuade people to vote NO (FYI- if Prop 8 fails(more people vote no than yes) then gay marriage will be legal.) He has also come out saying that anyone who is FOR Prop 8 is a bigot. I already discussed my issue with that with him; however, my question is this: in the temple recommend interview, it asks if you associate with anyone or any party who is against the church's teachings....so, how does all of this work together? I mean, Nathan and I have VERY different views on gay marriage (obviously), but I still believe that it is important to love and be kind to everyone. Can I be friends with him and still maintain my temple recommend? He knows my stance on the issue and he knows it is not the same as his. In addition, on this issue, the Church has come out with an official statement, so if he says everyone who is for Prop 8 is a bigot, then is he not saying he thinks all of the Big "B" Brethren and the Prophet are all bigots? Sorry to ramble on about this, but I am just having some serious issues here and any commentary would help.

Monday, October 27, 2008

I've Dyed!!!

Ok, so a week ago I decided to take the plunge and go dark...yes, dark, as in BRUNETTE!!! I've never been anything but blonde a day in my life, so this was a big change. I don't think I will stay brunette as far as the long run goes, but it's a good change for now. I think I will always be a blonde at heart. Anyway, let me know what you think.... Don't worry, my feelers won't be hurt if you don't like it.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Okee-dokee... So, this weekend I went to Provo to get a break from life and it was a much needed break! I stayed with Bethany and her husband and it was so good to spend time with them. I spent some time on Saturday with Mike and we went up Provo Canyon...SO PRETTY!!! I actually think it's kind of funny that earlier in the week Mike asked me if I wanted to go hiking and I told him no, so he decided to not listen to me and take me on a mini (very mini due to my stubborn personality) hike. Plus, I got stung by a stupid bee...it was pretty crazy. But honestly, it didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. Later that night, Bethany, Nathan and I went shopping (one of my favorite past times). And we spent some time in a REAL mall. St. George has a shortage on those. This is a picture of us being dorks in one of the stores!Then we went to a stand-up comedian show on the BYU campus called Humor U. It was pretty funny. Has anyone else ever noticed that there aren't very many female comedians? I have to admit that generally, guys really are more naturally funny. I think girls just try to hard. Anyway, so that's about all...I left to come back home on Sunday and now...it's back to the office...