Today has been a very interesting day. Well, I guess that would be one way you could put it. Over the past few months there have been some murky areas as far as job security goes with my company. When I started working here in September there were 21 full-time salary or hourly employees. Since then, 12 people have been laid off, one person has quit and there have been two pay cuts, I was only included in one of those pay cuts (the one that happened today when they laid off three more people and EVERYONE took a pay cut). Fortunately, mine was the lowest of everyone, which I guess makes sense because I am one of the people making the very least. So, on one hand there is a lot of irritation and anxiety going around in the office today, but I guess there is also a lot for me to be grateful for. I mean, I still have a job, and a large reason for that is because I'm on the bottom of the pay totem poll, plus, I took a very small pay cut, compared to many others who are being cut thousands of dollars.
I guess my main frustration comes from feeling like I wasn't being paid what I'm worth in the first place and then when the CEO came to talk to me to tell me I need to take "x" amount of a pay cut, he then asked me, "is that ok?".... What can you say to that? "Oh, gee, I'm super duper excited to take it for the team!" So, I just looked at him like that was the dumbest question of all time. And he just waited there for me to respond. I guess he didn't get that no answer was an answer. So finally, I said, "Does it matter? I mean, I'm getting the cut either way, right?" And that's basically what it came down to. And he was just trying to be the "I care about you" boss, but didn't realize that I would answer honestly. But that is a whole different story. So for now, I am bummed that there was any pay cut at all, but I am even more grateful that I had a very minimal cut and that I have a job at all right now.
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1 comment:
Hang in there. It's that way all over this country. My friend Megan just told me that her husband was looking for a new job because he wasn't getting enough billable hours. It's just a frustrating time right now and the thing to do is sit tight and keep your money close.
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